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New Points List and Council.

For those that are unfamiliar, the Canadian Highlander points list (and former banned list) were updated and monitored by a group of five individuals; all deeply involved within the format. When the council was created, there was an agreement to hold elections every 6 months, in order to keep the faces of the format fresh and exciting. So, without further ado, here are the members of the current Canadian Highlander Council:

Alistair “What’s he on?” Norman
Benjamin “Yours truly” Wheeler
Blake “Battlecruiser” Hodson
Nick “All Control – All the Time” Picard
Spencer “Can’t play Blue” Kanaka

If you happen to be a part of the discussion on the Canadian Highlander Facebook page, or tend to browse through the list of past winners, then these names should seem rather familiar. If you’re not part of the discussion, what are you waiting for? The name of the group is “MTG – Canadian Highlander: There Can Be Only One”. Please feel free to join the group, and get a more personal touch on the format.
