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Highlander 2016 – LET’S DO THIS

Hi Everyone,

As we march onward into the new year, we’d like to stop for a second and thank all the wonderful people that have been repping Canadian Highlander from abroad. This has been a pretty big year for us, and while Highlander has seen play in our little town of Victoria for a while now, we’ve never seen more international interest in the format we play.

So thank you! Thanks to all the awesome bloggers, all the people watching the stream and listening to the podcast, thanks to all of you who have been jamming games with Liam over MTGO, thanks to all the players picking up Highlander in their circles and showing their friends, thanks for all the questions over Facebook + Twitter, thanks to Marshall Sutcliffe for his continued support and vocal love of this format, thanks to Brian David-Marshall for jamming games and talking about Highlander, thanks to the equally cool German and Aussie Highlander scenes, and finally thanks for not comparing us to Commander and Tiny Leaders as much as humanly possible (we jest).

This is a great format that will grow and develop over time with your help, I promise you that. We couldn’t be more happy to have such wonderful people along for the ride.

Good luck, draw well, and have fun.