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Monday Metagame

March 14th, 2016

39 Players – 29 Archetypes

Finals: Goblins (Winner) vs (Jund) Goblins

4x CradleHoof
2x RUG Kiki-Pod
Grixis Time Vault
Pattern Rector aka Sandra Bullock

3x Jeskai Midrange
2x Bant Tempo
2x Blue Moon
2x UR Prowess
Abzan Midrange
Esper Midrange
Rakdos Midrange
RUG Midrange
UG Midrange
BUG Control
Esper Control
Mardu Control
Jeskai Tempo
RUG Tempo
Jund Scapeshift
The Rock

2x Goblins
Gruul Midrange
Mono Blue Devotion
Naya Blade
Selesnya Midrange
Mono Black Aggro
Red Deck Wins