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Monday Metagame

Monday Metagame for May 2nd, 2016

May 2nd, 2016
33 Players – 30 Archetypes
Finals: Red Deck Wins (Winner) vs RUG Midrange

Combo – 9
2x CradleHoof
2x Pattern Rector aka Sandra Bullock
4C Scapeshift
Academy Combo/Control
High Tide
Sneak & Show

Control & Tempo – 9
Blue Moon
BUG Control
Grixis Control
UB Control
Bant Tempo
Grixis Tempo
Jeskai Tempo
RUG Tarmo-Twin
UR Tempo

Midrange & Ramp – 10
The Gitrock Monster aka Junk-Midrange-Lands-Reanimator-GoddamnItSerge
Junk Midrange
Jund Midrange
Naya Midrange
RUG Midrange
Selesnya Midrange
UG Midrange
Big Blue
Dega Staxx

Aggro – 5
2x Red Deck Wins
4C Blood
Jeskai Burn