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Budget Highlander: Blue Red Painter

Hello everyone, and Welcome back to another edition of budget highlander! Last week we covered the aggro end  of the spectrum.  I personally love aggro decks, but I know people also want to do sweet, combo-y things, while still having them happen on a reasonable budget.  I wasn’t sure how possible it would be, but was pleasantly surprised while I brewed this weeks’ deck.  It is a Blue combo deck, that has many things going for it.  It is a GREAT starting point for many different tier 1 and 2 highlander decks, it should have fairly reasonable matchups against most of the field, and it somehow clocked in at only 145 dollars!  I present to you Red/Blue PainterTwin:

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Highlander Mulligans Monday July 17th

This marks the first week of the Highlander Mulligans article. As I mentioned in my article about mulliganing in Highlander that you can find here I am going to start posting a few mulligans from the weekly Monday Highlander tournament to discuss. I’m going to post this disclaimer at the beginning of every article but since not every player submits their deck list and because some players are consistently changing their lists I cannot guarantee that the lists I post with each mulligan will directly match what the player was playing that day. Nonetheless the list should give you an idea of what kind of things the deck is trying to do.

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Improving Your Mulliganing Choices

Every game of Magic involves a significant number of choices. What order to you play your lands? Do you double block or play around a removal spell? What card do you take with you Thoughtseize? While these decisions are important there is one much larger decision that comes before anything else and that decision is what opening hand you decide to keep.

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